Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Helvetica is a neutral type. Many would say that modern society is fairly neutral and compliant and so therefore, it would make sense that Helvetica has become so ubiquitous. When researching Meta I was relieved to realize that there are designers out there who craft new type faces with the express purpose of creating the anti-Helvetica. Helvetica needs to be put in its place, I'm sick of it! It's like a song that's amazing when you first hear it but gets played so many times on the radio that you swear your ears are going to bleed every time you hear it. Pop type faces - like pop songs - need to have heights of popularity and then gradually fade out to make room for a new type of the day. Helvetica is far past its prime, it's dead and rotting our copy! Time to bury it and move on to something new. Hallelujah!

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