Sunday, December 12, 2010

Handwriting vs. Type

     Every Sunday I read the Post Secret Blog. Frank Warren, who compiles and publishes the weekly blog, receives thousands of post cards that people anonymously  send to his house with their secrets written on them. What I find interesting is that some people don't take full advantage of the anonymous factor and chose to write their secret by hand. 

     I wonder why someone would need to use type to share a secret as trivial as the one below. If someone recognized your handwriting there wouldn't be any real fall out, it would just be funny. Plus they have chosen a font that looks very anonymous, common and standard. 

     The secret below is far more serious than the first one but the person has written it by hand. It looks like they did a little bit of disguising but it's definitely hand written.

     This is just shocking. The person who wrote this not only wrote it by hand but made no effort at all to disguise her hand writing. I wonder if she wants someone to recognize her hand writing? If someone does recognize it, there will be fall out for both the person who wrote it AND the person she's writing about... it's a bold choice she made! 

They say your handwriting says something about you, perhaps your choice about when to use your handwriting and when to use type says something about you too. I think in the case of the third post card, her choice to write in her own plain hand writing says something bad about her - she needs to learn from her boyfriend, and hold some things back too.  I never recommend helvetica, but if you submit a secret like this - helvetica is better than handwriting. 

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