Monday, December 6, 2010

What does your font say about you?

In the same way that hand writing has been analyzed to reveal personality traits, the same theory is now being applied to a person's choice of font. I think this could be true. As someone who knows a little bit about typography, I would say that generally:
People who use serif are traditional, organized, smart, and professional.
    ...BUT they might be using Times New Roman simply because they didn't bother to change the font at all
People who use script fonts are stuffy. 
People who use sans serif are modern, trendy and youthful.
    ...BUT people who use Helvetica are probably just lazy, followers, inexperienced in typography, or trying to fake the youth that sans serif usually implies. 
People who use decorative fonts for more than one or two words are trying way too hard and are far more likely to be experiencing a mid life crisis than users of other fonts.

Now that I'm done with my slightly offensive and definitely biased generalizations, as I am personally a fan of serifed types and very open about my disdain for Hellvetica, here's some more.
I found this hilarious chart in an equally hilarious article linked below:

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